The weekend saw a number of Belvoir Archers shooting at the Bowmen of Glen FITA weekend. It was a very well run shoot, good weather (sun and very little wind) and the results were published within 3 hours of the shoot finishing – well done Bowmen of Glen.
Congratulations to Leigh Whitbread who shot 3 county County Records (subject to ratification) over the weekend and putting a first class score at the same time.
Saturday Double 720m Gents Recurve with a score of 872
Sunday for a Gent shooting a Ladies FITA/Metric 1 with a score of 830, and also setting the 60m distance record of 212.
Becky Lowe came first Junior Lady shooting a Metric V Barebow and set a new 15m distance county record of 300 (subject to ratification)
Bryan Haynes also shot all weekend, setting 2 county records(subject to ratification) on Saturday new Single FITA 50m compound of 485 and Double FITA50m compound of 911. He also shot on Sunday, with his back holding up for the whole weekend, it has infact, made the back hurt less on monday – so the zimmer bow is a medical success!!
David Lowe had a good shoot – apart from having to put Bekky’s limbs on the right way up (Coach Mum put them on the wrong way round – naught mum), and had a good day, no breakdowns and lots of smiles. He even stopped hugging his bow after he shot.
Finally, Helen shot a new record, the first time that she has completed a tournament without her bow breaking into 10 or more pieces. Unfortunately we cant count that as a county record – but it is hopefully the start of better things for Helen and her naughty bow.
So, 6 county records shot by Belvoir Archers over a weekend – well done to everyone
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