Saturday say our 3rd summer windsor. A total of 49 archers booked in, and all turned up to shoot. Compound, Longbow, Recurve and Barebow disciplines were represented.
It was a good day, starting off a bit chilly following the recent heat wave, but warmed up during the day. It remained overcast and a little breeze came in the afternoon.
Our Lady Paramount – Mrs Nicky Weston – High Sheriff of Nottinghamshire and her husband Michael attended eventually (after having a flat tyre on the way). They were greeted by Vicky and shown around the shoot. Afterwards they were entertained by Mike Spare – County Vice Chair before presenting all the awards. We would like to thank Nicky and Michael for their time on Saturday.
Everyone said that they enjoyed the day, and we already have bookings coming in for the 3rd Winter Windsor on 20th October.
From a Tournament organisers point of view, I would like to thank all club members who helped over the weekend, from those that sorted the stands a couple of weeks ago, those that marked the field and racked the grass on Friday, to those who helped on the day (carparking/reception, booking in desk, setup crew in the morning, field party collecting arrows during the day, pack up afterwards, Vicky and the raffle team and finally Sue who sorted out all the scores). It was the most efficient setup and pack away that we have had in the 5 tournaments that we have held. Well done everyone
A special thanks goes out again to Maurice Clark for his trophies and helping Sue out with the results and to Leigh Whitbread for donating all the nice new branded scoreboards.
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