19th June – The busiest club night yet

This evening we had our busiest club night so far. With 15 archers on the field, including new members Nigel, Barbara, Alan, Dennis, Jinny & Steve B, longtime club members Sue, Bryan, Steve G, Compound Steve, Martin, Vicky and guests Steve and Claire.

And we almost forgot – Dave the coach!!
Bosses were out at 70m, 80y, 60y, 40y, 40y, 30y and 20y
The weather was excellent, sun behind us and little or no wind. The club shot from 6pm until 9.30.
Whilst shooting, we did have a noisy visitor above in the disguise of David and the Ladybird balloon from Bingham. David took off from Langar Hall and headed away into the summer evening towards Belvoir Castle.

Lets hope this is the start of the summer season.

The busiest club night so far with 12 members and 2 guests


6 of the 7 bosses out on the field

Noisy Neighbours - David and the Ladybird Balloon inspects the club with a fly-by

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