
Welcome to Belvoir Archers

East Midlands Archery Society

Nottinghamshire Archery Society

 A new and exciting dynamic archery club in the Vale of Belvoir

where you can just “shoot your bow”

We are affiliated to


13th July 2024 – WRS WA720 results

A good day was had by all, the weather stayed dry (until just after the presentation where only my tent got wet), over cast and a nice temperature. The wind also stayed away.

some National Records were shot and some WA720 badges claimed,. well done all



We will be holding our next WA720 on Saturday 19th July 2025 – keep your eyes open for the entry form


Thankyou again Tony Drabble and Custom Built Archery for sponsoring the event once again, you continued support is greatly appreciated.

2 and 3 shoot

Saturday 1st June saw our annual Novice shoot for 3rd, 2nd and 1st class archers called the 2&3 shoot. 15 archers from 6 different clubs and 3 counties took part.  It was a nice warm day, overcast with the sun … Continue reading

2024 Beginners Courses

There will be 2 beginners courses this year.
Each course is 4 sessions, people must complete all 4 sessions

Fri 10 May 6 – 8.30
Sat 11th May 10-1
Thu 16th May 6-8.30
Sat 18th May 10-1

Fri 19 July 6 – 8.30
Sat 20 July 10-1
Fri 26 July 6-8.30
Sat 27th July 10-1

Cost £60

Application forms on request from coaching@belvoirarchers.co.uk

Summer Windsor Results

Saturday 19th August saw Belvoir Archers host the 11th Summer Windsor.
it was a challenging day with the BBC telling us it would be sunny with a mild breeze, but the local weather gods didn’t listen to the BBC and made if a challenging right to left cross wind all day.
A big thankyou to our sponsor, Custom Built Archery

Summer Windsor 2023

the 11th Summer Windsor is almost up on us.

Good weather has been booked, hopefully the weather gods have received the memo.

Provisional target list attached. there are still spaces if you want to shoot (Updateed 18th Aug @ 11am)


Event kindly sponsored by

Belvoir Archers Tournament weekend – WA720 and National Crossbow WRS

That was a busy weekend for Belvoir Archers with 14 bosses out on Saturday for our delayed 2023 World Record Status WA720 with non record status Crossbow 50m.  It was an overcast day with some sunny spells, and a tricky Right to Left wind during the day.  Well done to all archers and arbalists who turned out to shoot and stuck with it for the day.



Sunday was a return to the field for a World Record Status National Crossbow Federation tournament with 8 bosses.  We had 12 arbalists competing across the field.  Again, it was an overcast day with some sunny spells, and a stronger wind than the Saturday giving us a lot more to think about.
Well done to all arbalists who shot.


The WRS Double WA720 planned for 15th July 2023 is unfortunately postponed until Saturday 29th July 2023

this is due to a safety concern due to severe weather warning being put out by the Met Office, we will be expecting 40mph+ winds, rain and lightening during the day.

Entries will be moved forward to the new date, most people have been contacted. If you haven’t, email me back on tournaments@belvoirarchers.co.uk to confirm if you can or can’t attend (at which point we will look at a refund for you)

On the upside, if you wish to shoot with us on the 29th, July – we have spaces at all distances

Belvoir Archers are now affiliated to the National Small-bore Rifle Association

Alongside our long standing membership of ArcheryGB, Belvoir Archers are now affiliated to the National Small-boar Rifle Association from July 2023 onwards.

This will bring many benefits to the club and club members which include

  • If members only shoot on our field and do not enter any competitions, by taking advantage of the new club insurance as they do not need the extra benefits of ArcheryGB membership
  • Increased kit insurance for the club
  • Allow non ArcheryGB crossbows to be shot in the club, but we have club restrictions (no pistol crossbows and no Compound crossbows)
  • No Rifles or Firearms are able to use our club range as it is only an archery/crossbow range

Club members may elect to remain members of ArcheryGB along side their NSRA membership, or if they wish to join ArcheryGB at a later date they can.

2023 Beginners Course starts in August

we will be running a beginners course in August 2023

It consists of 4 x 3 hour sessions, you must complete all 4 sessions

Friday 4th Aug  6-9pm
Saturday 5th Aug – 2-5pm
Friday 11th Aug  6-9pm
Sat 12th Aug – 2-5pm

Cost is
Adults £60
Under 18s £40
Age for juniors 10 – 18

For more info and Application form, click the image below




The 2 & 3 Sshoot, Sat 3rd June 2023

Attached is the Provisional target list for Saturday’s shoot.
We still have plenty of spaces if you have forgotten to enter so please email me if you wish to enter tournaments@belvoirarchers.co.uk


1.30 ASSEMBLY, 1.45 SIGHTERS – not 1pm for 1.15

Thank your to Custom Built Archery for their continued support for the 2&3 shoot


Sunday 14th May 2023

On Sunday 14th May 2023,. Belvoir Archers will be at the Dove Cottage Day Hospice Fete (Canal Ln, Stathern, Melton Mowbray LE14 4EX with a Have-A-Go range. So if you want to try archery and see  what it is all about, come and join us).
Our coaches will be pleased to see you and discuss all aspects of Archery with you.

We will also be holding a World Record Status  National Crossbow Federation competition on our field starting at 10-30.
If you want to know more about the crossbow side of things, come and have a chat.

Windor WIndsor 2022 – Results

It was a day of mixed weather for the delayed 10th Winter Windsor.
We started off with sun, then we had over cast, Right to Left Wind, then a bit of a tail wind, a little drizzle then back to sun.

The shoot went well and finished early, with everyone off the field by 4-30 (apart from me who got caught in the rain storm that appeared as everyone drove away – my tent is still drying out in the container!!)

Thankyou to all who came to shoot and to the work party who setup and helped during the day. A bit thankyuo to Custom Built Archery for their continued sponsorship of our shoots. Continue reading

2022 Summer Windsor

Saturday 20th August saw the 10th Summer Windsor shot at Belvoir Archers.  Despite many people pulling out of the shoot, some at short notice, we still went ahead with 6 bosses and 17 archers, with Crossbow and Flatbow featuring for the first time.

The weather was kind to us, although it did give is an interesting “breeze” for the day.

We would like to thank Tony Drabble at Custom Built Archery for his continued support in sponsoring this event once again


Don’t forget our up and coming Winter Windsor on Saturday 17th September 2022 Continue reading

2022 Summer Windsor – target list update 18th August

Saturday 20th August is our long delayed 10th Summer Windsor.
For the first time, we have ArcheryGB compliant Crossbows shooting in the competition

Assembly is 10-45 am and sighters at 11am

Good luck everyone, there are still spaces if anyone wants to shoot – email me tournaments@belvoirarchers.co.uk


UPDATED 18th Aug

Updated 18th August


July WA720 – what a scorcher

Normally at our WA720, it is frosty, cold, windy and raining during the day. This year, we moved it to July and were treated to a bit, or should I say alot of sun and very little wind.

The day went well, and we finished in record time.

Results sheet attached, keep your eyes open for our 2023 WA720 on 15th July – entry form will be available as soon as AGB sanction it


2022 Belvoir Archers Tournaments

Belvoir Archers are pleased to be putting on competitions again in 2022 (Covid permitting of course)

This year we are hosting a National Crossbow Federation competition  for more details and entry forms contact Iris Bingham at the National Crossbow Federation

15th May 2022                National Crossbow Federation UKRS TC900

18th   June 2022              The 2 & 3 Shoot   

16th    Jul  2022                WRS WAA720 (70m, 50m – compound and BB)  ***SATURDAY***   WRS GRANTED

20th    Aug 2022              10th Summer Windsor   including Crossbows  ***SATURDAY***    ENTRY FORM 

17th  Sept 2022              10th Winter Windsor including Crossbows  *** SATURDAY***     ENRY FORM

Once again, our club shoots are proudly sponsored by



Belvoir Archers are proud to announce that they now have members shooting longbow, barebow, compound, recurve and Crossbow.

Crossbows are allowed at Belvoir Archers providing that they comply with the ArcheryGB rules of shooting para 210 Continue reading

Belvoir Archers 2021 Tournament Update – March 2021

Belvoir Archers have been watching the Covid Rates and also the vaccination programme.  With the majority of over 18s not having their second jab until mid September 2021 and the threat of the new variations of Covid-19, we have decided that it would be safer for us to postpone our shoots.

with this in mind, our updated schedule will be

WRS WA720             17th July 2021 moved to  16th July 2022  (awaiting approval from AGB with the WRS status move)
Summer Windsor        21st August 2021 moved to 20th July 2022  —  UKRS removed this year
Winter Windsor           18th September 2021 moved to 17th September 2022

entry forms will be available later in the year

Belvoir Archers 2021 tournament schedule

Due to the Covid Pandemic, we have rescheduled our 2021 tournaments to later in the year so that we can get away from the winter threat and hopefully more people are vaccinated.

WA720    moved from 10th April to 17th July
Summer Windsor   moved from 17th July to 21st August —  UKRS removed this year
Winter Windsor  planned for 18th September

The 2 & 3 shoot will be under review

These dates may change depending on how the year pans out, but in the mean time, stay safe and we look forward to seeing you all in the summer on an archery field

2020 tournaments

Due to the Covid-19 virus, Belvoir Archers have sadly taken the decision to cancel all of our 2020 tournaments.

we have moved our Record Status over to 2021, so the dates of our next tournaments will be

10th April 2021            Double WA720   (50m and 70m) World Record Status
19th June 2021           The 2 and 3 shoot
17th July 2021            10th Summer Windsor  UK Record Status
18th September 2021 10th Winter Windsor

Entry forms will be available shortly on this website and the EMAS Tournament Calendar

2019 “Summer” Windy Windsor

Saturday 20th July saw Belvoir Archers hold their 9th Summer Windsor.

It was an interesting day, sunny spells, heavy rain, light breeze, hurricane force winds.  The shoot had to be abandoned at change of distance from 50 to 40 yards (after 6 dozen) due to Thunder and Lightning in the local area.  We had already had two periods of heavy rain where the judges held the shoot and sent everyone for cover.

Thankyou to everyone who came and stayed for the day, to our Judges Mario Stankovic and Janet Short, our Lord Paramount (and birthday boy) Peter Sanderson and all the club members who worked hard to make the day go well.

not to forget our Sponsors, Custom Built Archery for their continued sponsorship of our tournaments. Continue reading


The club safeguarding page is now complete. As a club we have adopted the AGB Policies on safeguarding as best practice.

The policies are accessible via the Safeguarding Page and we would ask that all members look at those documents, which explain all of our responsibilities in relation to safeguarding the welfare of our fellow members within the club environment.

There are also links to Codes of Practice for our different categories of members. You should ensure that you are aware of the codes that apply to you, as breaches of these codes can result in further action.

The 2 and 3 shoot

Last year we introduced the 2 and 3 shoot to encourage archers to go out and shoot tournaments.  Well, it is back again this year, but this time, Bramcote Archery Club and Beeston Rylands Archers are also going to run a 2 and 3 shoot to encourage everyone.

To be able to shoot in the 2and3 shoot, you must be a 2nd or 3rd class archers.
Each bow class and gender will be competing against archers of their own class. so  3rd class gents recurve shoot against 3rd class gents recurve, 2nd class ladies longbow shoot against 2nd class ladies long bow …..

awards will be given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in categories. Continue reading

Beginners Course April

The next beginners course will start in April 2019.

it is 4 x 3 hour sessions from 11am to 2pm on our field

Dates   April 20/27, May 4/11

you will need to complete all 4 sessions

Winter Windsor 2018

It was a cold, wet and windy day, but 34 brave archers turned out to shoot the 8th Winter Windsor.

No world records were set today, but everyone enjoyed themselves (although there were a few questions as to “why are we doing this” were raised behind the shooting line.

A big thankyou goes out to all who attended and stayed for the day, Judges Mark Edwards and Mario Stankovic, our Lady P – Helen Faulkner, Maurice Clarke for making the trophies and once again Tony Drabble and Custom Built Archery for sponsoring our events. Continue reading

Winter Windsor – Saturday 6th October

Saturday sees Belvoir Archers host their 8th Winter Windsor.

We have a new bacon buttie van making an appearance – so plenty of food will be available for all.

Assembly 10-45
Sighters 11am

Summer Windsor RESULTS

Another hot day at Belvoir Archers on Saturday 21st July saw a number of archers turn out to shoot the Windsor.

Bernie Dicks once again shot a perfect round, whilst Georgia Green from Six Towns COA shot a UK Record (Subject to ratification) and her Six Gold End Continue reading

The 2 and 3 Shoot

To help encourage archers to start shooting tournaments, we will be running a new shoot called the “2 and 3 shoot”

It is for all archers who have not acheived their ArcheryGB 1st Class yet.

Each bow style and classification will have awards of their own, so a 3rd Class Gents Recurve will be in a different awards structure to a 2nd Class Gents Recurve  – and so on. Continue reading

Belvoir Archers WA720 – 13th April 2019

Belvoir Archers will be running the World Record Status WA720 for 70m and 50m Compound again on Saturday 13th March 2019.

Entries are normally full by Early January – so book early

WA720 results

Saturday saw Belvoir Archers host their 3rd World Record Status WA720 event.  It was a pleasant day, overcast with sunny intervals and little breeze.  21 bosses were used, with 79 archers taking part.

We would once again like to thank Custom Built Archery for sponsoring this event. Continue reading

Winter Windsor 2017

The 7th Winter Windsor was contested yesterday with a turnout of 51 out of 59 archers who booked in.  The weather held off all day, a little breezy, over cast but dry until all tents were packed away and we sat down for what turned out to be a wet presentation. Continue reading